Micro Cement has been used over on the immense level for the purpose of the manufacturing related with the adhesives as well as plastics and for the paints too. You can even considerably make the use of it for the coatings, primers and even for the sealers. This is the main reason that they are high in demand for the buildings and so as for the construction purposes too. They can be used in the different array of the consumer all along with the industrial applications. They do have the feature where they are being known for the toughness, plus the durable finishing of the strong adhesion, chemical resistance and other wide range of the properties.
How many of you probably know the actual meaning of micro-cement? Micro Cement is basically taken to be the decorative and one of the composite coatings that are all based on cement, as well as water-based resins, additives, and mineral pigments. You can purposely make the use of this form of material as for the exterior as well as interior based surfaces. It is often said out to be applicable in floors, walls, and ceilings. One of the best features of this material is that it does not need any sort of the joints. This makes its cleaning and so as the maintenance easy to do.
There are basically different types of the micro-cement that are categorized into the below-mentioned types:
Micro Base: It is taken out to be one of the ideal categories of the micro-cement as to obtain with the rustic floors and also the walls. It has been put into the irregular textures for being artistic in appearance. It is also used as the preparation base for other finishes.
Micro Stone: This type of the micro-cement has been regardless to be used as best for the exterior purposes mostly. It has non-slip properties. It does have the thick texture in it.
Micro Deck: This type has been suitably best meant for the floor as for the purpose of its resistance in areas of intense traffic. It does have the medium texture.
Micro Fino: This micro-cement has been used on the high scale for the purpose of coating over the wall. It has the fine finishing coverage that would allow the diversity of finishing watermark effects. It has the fine texture.
Aquaciment: This micro-cement is very much ideal as in respect with the pools and ponds. It has the quick resistance to salts and chlorine in the water.
Advantages of Micro cement:
- They are holding on to the high massive compressive strength.
- They are even coming about to be adequate in view with the tensile durable power.
- Fire all along with the weather resistance of reinforced concrete is fair.
- At the same time, the building that is made from the micro-cement is much more durable than any other building system.
- It can be economically molded as to any kind of the nearly limitless range of shapes.
- They do have the maintenance cost that is much low.
- They do act upon as being the rigid member with minimum deflection.
Disadvantages of Micro Cement:
- The tensile durability of this concrete is about one-tenth of its compressive strength.
- In its main manufacturing process, it does ads with the mixing as well as casing and so as the curing. This will bring effect on the final outcome.
- The cost range of the forms as being used in the casting RC is relatively higher.
- Shrinkage would be leading to the cause of the crack development and so as the emergence of the strength loss.