We all know who Scrooge McDuck is – the famous Donald Duck’s uncle with piles and piles of shiny gold coins he likes to count and dive head-first into. You may not have his limitless riches, but you’ll still want to make sure all of your money and expensive stuff are protected as much as possible. But what to do when you can’t afford the latest alarm systems and other pricy equipment for protecting your home from unlawful entry? With this in mind, we have come up with five ways you can burglar-proof your home, no matter how tight the budget you’re working with is.
Introduce curtains and blinds
It’s no secret that burglars tend to “case” a home before they actually decide to break in. That way, they can determine what kind of goods they can take and whether breaking into your home will pay off. Therefore, a great way to start making your home burglar-unfriendly is to hang curtains or install blinds on each of the windows in your home. If a burglar can’t see into your home, chances are they’ll target another home. Just bear in mind that if you have kids, going for cordless blinds is always recommended.
Install a garage timer
Garage doors are one of the weak spots in home security that many homeowners tend to overlook. Still, after parking your car, you can easily forget to close your garage door and allow a burglar to enter your home in a matter of seconds. This can also easily happen if you have kids and they keep their bikes and other belongings in the garage. But if there’s a garage timer installed, even if you forget to close the garage door, it will close automatically after a preset period of time, leaving no chance for a burglar to come in.
Eliminate potential hiding spots
Your landscape can always serve as a burglar’s hiding spot. That’s why if you want to burglar-proof your home, trimming large bushes and trees is recommended. Also, eliminating the shrubbery around your home is a good idea. Of course, there’s no need to get rid of all the landscaping around your home. If your green thumb is itching to add some plants around your home, you can always go for something thorny. Greenery like this can prevent burglars from attempting to hide, making your home safer.
Deadbolt all of your doors
34% of all the burglars enter through the front door while 24% of them decide to enter through the backdoor. With this being said, making sure all of your doors are as secure as possible is always a good idea. One of the easiest and least expensive ways to do this is to install deadbolts. Just bear in mind that the cheapest deadbolts you come across aren’t guaranteed to keep your home safe. Instead, you should always go for the most quality deadbolts you can find and have professionals, such as this locksmith, install it for you.
Put up fake security signs
Yard signs that say your home is protected are a great way to deter burglars. And the great thing about them is that you can put them up even if you don’t have a security system installed. A lot of burglars won’t take the chance of being caught and will most likely move on to the next potential victim. Fake security signs are cheap and can be found online. It only takes a couple of minutes to stick the signs around your home, meaning that you will protect your home without actually breaking a sweat.
Follow all of the ways mentioned above and you’ll be guaranteed to make your home more burglar-unfriendly. Just remember that you can never do too much when it comes to safety and that’s why you should always keep looking for some new ways you can secure your home.